venerdì 10 gennaio 2014

duchamp fountain article after

Duchamp fountain article after

He took an ordinary article of life, placed it so that its useful significance disappeared under the new title and point of view – created a new thought for that object.
Fountain” was the first ready-made that Duchamp engineered for scandal.
We all know that after Marcel Duchamp installed a urinal in a 1917 New York art exhibition, the genre-bending, class-stretching, anti-craft freedoms of contemporary art follow from that moment—or do they?

By excluding conflicting versions of the story theresult is apparent knowledge about the facts of when and where itwas exhibited; who made it; why.
After moving from Paris to New York in 1915, Marcel Duchamp became a founding member of the American Society of Independent Artists, a group dedicated to advancing the ideas of new art.

duchamp fountain article after

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